Human activity during compounding Entry points from areas of lower classification to those of higher classification Areas within and around doors and pass-throughs Location of equipment Official <795> (last revised in 2014) Revised <795> (published June 1, 2019) . . Minimum Room Requirements in <800> Room with fixed walls that is separate from non-hazardous storage and compounding Vented outside the building Negative pressure of 0.01 to 0.03" to There must also be a buffer room with negative pressure. c. segregated compounding area. Segregated compounding area (SCA) • PEC may be located within an unclassified area, without an ante-room or buffer room. Many health care providers, including hospitals, compounding pharmacies, and long-term care facilities maintain cleanrooms or segregated compounding areas for the sterile compounding of medications (CSPs). Compounding Regulation FAQs. l Personnel must follow cleansing, garbing Compounding Definitions. segregated compounding area containment secondary engineering control (c-sec) configuration-----neg. • Category 2 CSPs have a longer BUD and must be prepared in a cleanroom suite (buffer room with ante-room). Tips for Preparing a Master Formula Document. There are two types of facilities used for compounding sterile preparations: (1) a cleanroom suite and (2) a segregated compounding area (SCA). Otherwise, compounding of allergenic extracts prescription sets must meet the requirements for Category 1 or Category 2 CSPs, which are described in this chapter. whenever continuous compounding is ceased and before compounding starts again. The hospital can also perform a NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) risk assessment for specific drugs where storage in the negative pressure segregated compounding area (SCA) is not . a. hospital b. most c. all d. joint commission accredited . 10 . The compounding facilities also need to be well-lighted and comfortable for personnel. Documentation Required. a. certified clean area b. certified ante area c. segregated compounding area d. satellite compounding room. Employee work practices are the most signifi- . pressure ≥ 0.02" wc iso class 7 clean room + + + + + + + + + + secondary engineering control (sec) configuration . Article 4.5. However, <800> provides a new option: a containment segregated compounding area (C-SCA) can be created. 1e . This is because the 2008 version addressed compounding from the level of complexity of the compounded product (number and type of products prepared together). › Segregated Compounding Area (S CA) dedicated to preparation of allergen extracts › Primary Engineering Control (h ood) › Allergenic Extracts Compounding Area (A ECA) Separate room recommended Visible perimeter Accessible sink but not within 1 meter of work surfaces Other requirements similar to an SCA 11 an unclassified segregated compounding area (SCA). 3. Show all. California State Board of Pharmacy. Professional and Vocational Regulations. requirements for compounding sterile preparations. Further, staging activities should be arranged to minimize traffic flow through the compounding areas. Video Presentation on 2017 Compounding Regulations (YouTube) surrounding unclassified areas of the facility. a segregated compounding area restricted to sterile compounding activities. Relevant Standards: Question: Is the sampling plan and procedures for nonviable particle samples as well as violation air and surface limited to ISO certified areas, or does it also apply to segregated compounding area outside the Segregated Compounding Area (SCA) Low and medium risk level HDs may be prepared in a C‐SCA provided it meets the requirements in USP chapter <800> and the CSP is assigned a BUD of 12 hours or less. - Alpha gap: difference between requirements (r egulatory and standard of practice) and what is reflected in policy - Beta gap: difference between what is reflected in policy and what . Note that the requirements of the HCS are superseded by those of OSHA's Laboratory Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1450, when an employer is engaged in the "laboratory use of hazardous chemicals" (i . The cleanroom suite includes an ISO Class 8 . Documentation Required. l The segregated compounding area cannot be in a location that has unsealed win-dows or doors that connect to the outdoors or high traffic flow, or that is adjacent to construction sites, warehouses, or food preparation, etc. Containment segregated compounding area (C-SCA): The C-PEC is placed in an unclassified C-SCA that has fixed walls, a negative pressure between 0.01 and 0.03 inches of water column relative to all adjacent areas, and a minimum of 12 ACPH. Addition of information on notification and recall of CSPs . What are the basic requirements for sterile compounding? The Service Space shall include all the functional area requirements required to deliver the specific Service. Define essential aspects of cleanroom certification. redundancies, and clarify requirements. Define Segregated compounding area. †Segregated compounding area: Samples taken on counters next to and/or around the PEC. The areas sampled must be those areas at greatest risk for microbial contamination such as areas near the hoods, pass . 4. 39 Compounding HDs - However, a containment segregated compounding area (C-SCA) can be created. 5. segregated compounding area 30 air changes / hour pos. 9. Currently, this is not allowed by <797>, as only non-hazardous, low-risk compounded sterile preparations (CSPs) can be compounded in a segregated compounding area (SCA). Floors in the buffer area, ante-area, and segregated compounding area shall be cleaned by mopping with a cleaning and disinfecting agent at . but this area is not classified likely because it cannot meet these requirements. In addition to the legally enforceable USP-NF standards, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services . USP 797 promotes the protection of the sterility of the drug, while USP 800 is focused on the safety of personnel who come in contact with the HDs. Replaces the "Low-, Medium-, and High-risk" level terminology with Category 1 and Category 2 risk levels. USP Chapter 797 - Environmental Quality and Control - Cleaning and Disinfecting the Compounding Area - "Work surfaces in the ISO Class 7 (see Table 1) buffer areas and ISO Class 8 (see Table 1) ante-areas as well as segregated compounding areas shall be cleaned and disinfected at least daily, and dust and debris shall be removed when necessary . General Chapter <797> describes conditions and practices to prevent harm to patients that could result . A room in which the concentration of airborne particles is controlled to meet a specified airborne particulate cleanliness class Viable air sampling must occur in all ISO classified areas (PEC, ante area, and buffer area) and in the segregated compounding area. The sections are numbered. A C-SCA can be defined as a space that is vented to the outside and has a minimum of 12 air changes per hour. Each sample must be equal to at least 400-1000 liters of air (0.4-1 cubic meter). for containment segregated compounding area, 71. facility requirements for, 55, 58-59. for IV room, 62. for segregated compounding area, 59. for storage room, 60. air flow. Biological safety cabinets are also required within a cleanroom or segregated compounding area. . The area surrounding the ISO Class 5 unit (either the buffer area or the segregated compounding area) should be separated from activities not essential to the preparation of CSPs. • Ante room with line of demarcation for clean and dirty area or two ante rooms required. 0. pressure .01" -.03" wc containment primary engineering control (c-pec) requirements externally vented (preferred) or redundant hepa filter class i biological safety cabinet (bsc) class ii biological safety cabinet (bsc) compounding aseptic Sterile compounding requires that the compounder adhere to additional rules and requirements. 2. Look for areas at greatest risk of contamination. Regarding the Segregated Compounding Area (SCA) definition, Chapter <797> states an SCA may be a designated space, room or demarcated area. BUD is the time after which a compounded preparation cannot be used or stored. There are several requirements for the HD compounding room - the most critical being that it must have negative pressure and at least 12 air changes per hour (ACPH). details the requirements of viable air sampling; a later article will address surface sampling. The non-sterile HD compounding and HD storage room can be within the same physical space, creating a more efficient floor layout. The C-SCA must be externally vented. Other Requirements for Sterile Compounding . Guidance Regarding Proposed Revisions to USP General Chapters 795 and 797. • Make sure that the dwell time for each agent used is known to the person performing the cleaning. Minimally, C-SCAs must have: at least 12 air changes per hour (ACPH) and maintain negative pressure of -0.01 to -0.03 i.w.c. In addition to the library requirements of the pharmacy's specific license classification, a pharmacy shall maintain current or updated copies in hard-copy or electronic format of each of the following: . (USP <800> allows low and medium risk level hazardous drug CSPs to be prepared in an This is described in the containment segregated compounding area (C-SCA) section. USP 800 describes even . The one exception is that Category 1 compounding was allowed in a segregated compounding area (SCA) in the 2019 revision, but is not allowed in the 2008 version. USP 797 is a set of guidelines, procedures and compliance requirements for compounding sterile preparations (CSPs). You do not need an anteroom for non-sterile HD compounding. (a) "Ante-area" means an area with ISO Class 8 or better air quality where personnel hand hygiene and garbing procedures, staging of components, and other . . agent at least weekly in all ISO classified areas and segregated compounding areas. Chapter <800 . Basic Service Spaces are identified in Sections 1224.14 . C-PEC. The compounding involves only transfer, measuring, and mixing manipulations using not more than three commercially manufactured packages of sterile products and not more than two entries into any one sterile container or package (e.g., bag, vial) of sterile product or administration container/device to prepare the CSP. 42 Floors in the buffer area, ante area, and segregated compounding area are cleaned daily with the designated cleaning agent after compounding has been completed. Together, USP 797 and 800 establish an . Facilities Development Division. Architecture. • Refrigerated antineoplastic HDs must be stored in a dedicated refrigerator in a negative pressure area with at least 12 ACPH [e.g., storage room, buffer room, or containment segregated compounding area (C-SCA)]. in a segregated and dedicated area that maintains at least .01-inch water column negative pressure and maintains, at a minimum, 12 air changes per hour (ACPH). The unclassified area must Placement of devices (e.g., computers, printers) and objects (e.g., carts, cabinets) that are not essential to compounding should be restricted or limited, depending . A: USP <800> requires healthcare workers to wear two layers of shoe covers in the biological safety cabinet (BSC) or the compounding aseptic containment isolator (CACI) because HD contamination is most likely to happen there. Those regulations describe additional facilities and specialized equipment needed for this level of compounding. USP 797 Environmental Monitoring Microbial Contamination. If an entity prepares only lowor medium-risk HD CSPs and finds a limit . Segregated compounding area ("SCA") surfaces are required to be smooth, impervious, free from cracks and crevices, etc. Containment Segregated Compounding Area Requirements. compounding areas require either 12 ACHs or 30 ACHs, depending upon Beyond Use Dates (BUDs) for segregated compounding areas. However, USP <800> describes the criteria for Containment-Segregated Compounding Areas (C-SCAs) that allows for compounding of hazardous drugs with 12 hour or less BUD. All activities associated with preparing a sterile compound for . or compounding aseptic containment isolator (CACI) to sterile compounding. . 41 Easily cleanable horizontal work surfaces in the buffer area, ante area, or segregated compounding areas are cleaned daily. A buffer area used for the preparation of non . When the PEC in the segregated sterile compounding area is a CAI or CACI and the documentation provided by the manufacturer shows it meets the requirements listed in 1751.4(f)(1)-(3) the sterile compounding area is exempt from the room requirement listed in 1751(b)(3). Compounding (Refs & Annos) 16 CCR § 1735.1. • Segregated Compounding Area - CSPs made in a LAFW that is not placed in a cleanroom • Cannot be used for HDs • Expectations still include - Hand hygiene and garbing - Daily & monthly cleaning - Environmental sampling High Risk Medium Risk Low Risk Low Risk with 12 h BUD Immediate Use Example: initial dose of norepinephrine Compounding. . Store masks to be reused in clean, low-particle-shedding fabric mesh bags, or stainless steel Addition of guidance on use and storage of opened or needle-punctured conventionally manufactured products and CSPs.
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Posted: May 25, 2022 by
segregated compounding area requirements
Human activity during compounding Entry points from areas of lower classification to those of higher classification Areas within and around doors and pass-throughs Location of equipment Official <795> (last revised in 2014) Revised <795> (published June 1, 2019) . . Minimum Room Requirements in <800> Room with fixed walls that is separate from non-hazardous storage and compounding Vented outside the building Negative pressure of 0.01 to 0.03" to There must also be a buffer room with negative pressure. c. segregated compounding area. Segregated compounding area (SCA) • PEC may be located within an unclassified area, without an ante-room or buffer room. Many health care providers, including hospitals, compounding pharmacies, and long-term care facilities maintain cleanrooms or segregated compounding areas for the sterile compounding of medications (CSPs). Compounding Regulation FAQs. l Personnel must follow cleansing, garbing Compounding Definitions. segregated compounding area containment secondary engineering control (c-sec) configuration-----neg. • Category 2 CSPs have a longer BUD and must be prepared in a cleanroom suite (buffer room with ante-room). Tips for Preparing a Master Formula Document. There are two types of facilities used for compounding sterile preparations: (1) a cleanroom suite and (2) a segregated compounding area (SCA). Otherwise, compounding of allergenic extracts prescription sets must meet the requirements for Category 1 or Category 2 CSPs, which are described in this chapter. whenever continuous compounding is ceased and before compounding starts again. The hospital can also perform a NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) risk assessment for specific drugs where storage in the negative pressure segregated compounding area (SCA) is not . a. hospital b. most c. all d. joint commission accredited . 10 . The compounding facilities also need to be well-lighted and comfortable for personnel. Documentation Required. a. certified clean area b. certified ante area c. segregated compounding area d. satellite compounding room. Employee work practices are the most signifi- . pressure ≥ 0.02" wc iso class 7 clean room + + + + + + + + + + secondary engineering control (sec) configuration . Article 4.5. However, <800> provides a new option: a containment segregated compounding area (C-SCA) can be created. 1e . This is because the 2008 version addressed compounding from the level of complexity of the compounded product (number and type of products prepared together). › Segregated Compounding Area (S CA) dedicated to preparation of allergen extracts › Primary Engineering Control (h ood) › Allergenic Extracts Compounding Area (A ECA) Separate room recommended Visible perimeter Accessible sink but not within 1 meter of work surfaces Other requirements similar to an SCA 11 an unclassified segregated compounding area (SCA). 3. Show all. California State Board of Pharmacy. Professional and Vocational Regulations. requirements for compounding sterile preparations. Further, staging activities should be arranged to minimize traffic flow through the compounding areas. Video Presentation on 2017 Compounding Regulations (YouTube) surrounding unclassified areas of the facility. a segregated compounding area restricted to sterile compounding activities. Relevant Standards: Question: Is the sampling plan and procedures for nonviable particle samples as well as violation air and surface limited to ISO certified areas, or does it also apply to segregated compounding area outside the Segregated Compounding Area (SCA) Low and medium risk level HDs may be prepared in a C‐SCA provided it meets the requirements in USP chapter <800> and the CSP is assigned a BUD of 12 hours or less. - Alpha gap: difference between requirements (r egulatory and standard of practice) and what is reflected in policy - Beta gap: difference between what is reflected in policy and what . Note that the requirements of the HCS are superseded by those of OSHA's Laboratory Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1450, when an employer is engaged in the "laboratory use of hazardous chemicals" (i . The cleanroom suite includes an ISO Class 8 . Documentation Required. l The segregated compounding area cannot be in a location that has unsealed win-dows or doors that connect to the outdoors or high traffic flow, or that is adjacent to construction sites, warehouses, or food preparation, etc. Containment segregated compounding area (C-SCA): The C-PEC is placed in an unclassified C-SCA that has fixed walls, a negative pressure between 0.01 and 0.03 inches of water column relative to all adjacent areas, and a minimum of 12 ACPH. Addition of information on notification and recall of CSPs . What are the basic requirements for sterile compounding? The Service Space shall include all the functional area requirements required to deliver the specific Service. Define essential aspects of cleanroom certification. redundancies, and clarify requirements. Define Segregated compounding area. †Segregated compounding area: Samples taken on counters next to and/or around the PEC. The areas sampled must be those areas at greatest risk for microbial contamination such as areas near the hoods, pass . 4. 39 Compounding HDs - However, a containment segregated compounding area (C-SCA) can be created. 5. segregated compounding area 30 air changes / hour pos. 9. Currently, this is not allowed by <797>, as only non-hazardous, low-risk compounded sterile preparations (CSPs) can be compounded in a segregated compounding area (SCA). Floors in the buffer area, ante-area, and segregated compounding area shall be cleaned by mopping with a cleaning and disinfecting agent at . but this area is not classified likely because it cannot meet these requirements. In addition to the legally enforceable USP-NF standards, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services . USP 797 promotes the protection of the sterility of the drug, while USP 800 is focused on the safety of personnel who come in contact with the HDs. Replaces the "Low-, Medium-, and High-risk" level terminology with Category 1 and Category 2 risk levels. USP Chapter 797 - Environmental Quality and Control - Cleaning and Disinfecting the Compounding Area - "Work surfaces in the ISO Class 7 (see Table 1) buffer areas and ISO Class 8 (see Table 1) ante-areas as well as segregated compounding areas shall be cleaned and disinfected at least daily, and dust and debris shall be removed when necessary . General Chapter <797> describes conditions and practices to prevent harm to patients that could result . A room in which the concentration of airborne particles is controlled to meet a specified airborne particulate cleanliness class Viable air sampling must occur in all ISO classified areas (PEC, ante area, and buffer area) and in the segregated compounding area. The sections are numbered. A C-SCA can be defined as a space that is vented to the outside and has a minimum of 12 air changes per hour. Each sample must be equal to at least 400-1000 liters of air (0.4-1 cubic meter). for containment segregated compounding area, 71. facility requirements for, 55, 58-59. for IV room, 62. for segregated compounding area, 59. for storage room, 60. air flow. Biological safety cabinets are also required within a cleanroom or segregated compounding area. . The area surrounding the ISO Class 5 unit (either the buffer area or the segregated compounding area) should be separated from activities not essential to the preparation of CSPs. • Ante room with line of demarcation for clean and dirty area or two ante rooms required. 0. pressure .01" -.03" wc containment primary engineering control (c-pec) requirements externally vented (preferred) or redundant hepa filter class i biological safety cabinet (bsc) class ii biological safety cabinet (bsc) compounding aseptic Sterile compounding requires that the compounder adhere to additional rules and requirements. 2. Look for areas at greatest risk of contamination. Regarding the Segregated Compounding Area (SCA) definition, Chapter <797> states an SCA may be a designated space, room or demarcated area. BUD is the time after which a compounded preparation cannot be used or stored. There are several requirements for the HD compounding room - the most critical being that it must have negative pressure and at least 12 air changes per hour (ACPH). details the requirements of viable air sampling; a later article will address surface sampling. The non-sterile HD compounding and HD storage room can be within the same physical space, creating a more efficient floor layout. The C-SCA must be externally vented. Other Requirements for Sterile Compounding . Guidance Regarding Proposed Revisions to USP General Chapters 795 and 797. • Make sure that the dwell time for each agent used is known to the person performing the cleaning. Minimally, C-SCAs must have: at least 12 air changes per hour (ACPH) and maintain negative pressure of -0.01 to -0.03 i.w.c. In addition to the library requirements of the pharmacy's specific license classification, a pharmacy shall maintain current or updated copies in hard-copy or electronic format of each of the following: . (USP <800> allows low and medium risk level hazardous drug CSPs to be prepared in an This is described in the containment segregated compounding area (C-SCA) section. USP 800 describes even . The one exception is that Category 1 compounding was allowed in a segregated compounding area (SCA) in the 2019 revision, but is not allowed in the 2008 version. USP 797 is a set of guidelines, procedures and compliance requirements for compounding sterile preparations (CSPs). You do not need an anteroom for non-sterile HD compounding. (a) "Ante-area" means an area with ISO Class 8 or better air quality where personnel hand hygiene and garbing procedures, staging of components, and other . . agent at least weekly in all ISO classified areas and segregated compounding areas. Chapter <800 . Basic Service Spaces are identified in Sections 1224.14 . C-PEC. The compounding involves only transfer, measuring, and mixing manipulations using not more than three commercially manufactured packages of sterile products and not more than two entries into any one sterile container or package (e.g., bag, vial) of sterile product or administration container/device to prepare the CSP. 42 Floors in the buffer area, ante area, and segregated compounding area are cleaned daily with the designated cleaning agent after compounding has been completed. Together, USP 797 and 800 establish an . Facilities Development Division. Architecture. • Refrigerated antineoplastic HDs must be stored in a dedicated refrigerator in a negative pressure area with at least 12 ACPH [e.g., storage room, buffer room, or containment segregated compounding area (C-SCA)]. in a segregated and dedicated area that maintains at least .01-inch water column negative pressure and maintains, at a minimum, 12 air changes per hour (ACPH). The unclassified area must Placement of devices (e.g., computers, printers) and objects (e.g., carts, cabinets) that are not essential to compounding should be restricted or limited, depending . A: USP <800> requires healthcare workers to wear two layers of shoe covers in the biological safety cabinet (BSC) or the compounding aseptic containment isolator (CACI) because HD contamination is most likely to happen there. Those regulations describe additional facilities and specialized equipment needed for this level of compounding. USP 797 Environmental Monitoring Microbial Contamination. If an entity prepares only lowor medium-risk HD CSPs and finds a limit . Segregated compounding area ("SCA") surfaces are required to be smooth, impervious, free from cracks and crevices, etc. Containment Segregated Compounding Area Requirements. compounding areas require either 12 ACHs or 30 ACHs, depending upon Beyond Use Dates (BUDs) for segregated compounding areas. However, USP <800> describes the criteria for Containment-Segregated Compounding Areas (C-SCAs) that allows for compounding of hazardous drugs with 12 hour or less BUD. All activities associated with preparing a sterile compound for . or compounding aseptic containment isolator (CACI) to sterile compounding. . 41 Easily cleanable horizontal work surfaces in the buffer area, ante area, or segregated compounding areas are cleaned daily. A buffer area used for the preparation of non . When the PEC in the segregated sterile compounding area is a CAI or CACI and the documentation provided by the manufacturer shows it meets the requirements listed in 1751.4(f)(1)-(3) the sterile compounding area is exempt from the room requirement listed in 1751(b)(3). Compounding (Refs & Annos) 16 CCR § 1735.1. • Segregated Compounding Area - CSPs made in a LAFW that is not placed in a cleanroom • Cannot be used for HDs • Expectations still include - Hand hygiene and garbing - Daily & monthly cleaning - Environmental sampling High Risk Medium Risk Low Risk Low Risk with 12 h BUD Immediate Use Example: initial dose of norepinephrine Compounding. . Store masks to be reused in clean, low-particle-shedding fabric mesh bags, or stainless steel Addition of guidance on use and storage of opened or needle-punctured conventionally manufactured products and CSPs.
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